news archive

  • Bridging Cultures: FUA’s Gateway to Authentic Italian Connections

    At FUA, students immerse themselves in Florence, forging lasting connections and embracing Italian life beyond the classroom.   written by Charlotte Cicero for SPEL: Journalism...

    Sprouting the Italian Language Through Gardens

    Grow Green and Learn Italian opens up a space where students get to tackle growing their knowledge of the Italian language in a new light.
  • Bridging Cultures: FUA’s Gateway to Authentic Italian Connections

    At FUA, students immerse themselves in Florence, forging lasting connections and embracing Italian life beyond the classroom.   written by Charlotte Cicero for SPEL: Journalism...

    Sprouting the Italian Language Through Gardens

    Grow Green and Learn Italian opens up a space where students get to tackle growing their knowledge of the Italian language in a new light.
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