DIPHEP420 - Exploratory Digital Photography Experiential Learning


Semester Credits: 6

Contact Hours: 45


Prerequisites: Advanced Digital Photography or equivalent. Unofficial transcript submission required.


Description: 6 semester credits. Using specific exercises and readings students will confront/tackle daily problems of “making art.” Observations are drawn from personal experiences that relate more to the need of the “artist”. Students will be engaged in the production and critique of images. There will be discussions and readings for each class. Both will help the student to describe, interpret, evaluate, and to synthesize technical information in order to correlate theory with practice. The coursework is a preparation for the Solo Exhibit and Publication of Solo Work course. Exercises and assignments will culminate into a final project. This course that requires students to thoughtfully examine their work and strive to refine an artistic vision, vocabulary, and voice This course includes experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. In addition to regular lecture hours, students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life. The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Prerequisites: Advanced Digital Photography or equivalent.