
The following higher education institutions are associated/affiliated with FUA:

Adelphi University
Alvernia University
Antalya Cookery and Culinary Arts Academy (MASA) - TURKEY
Arizona State University
Arkansas State University
Austin Community College
Bernard Lievegoed College for Liberal Arts - NETHERLANDS
California State Polytechnic University at Pomona
California State University, San Bernardino
Central Michigan University
Centro Universitario Belas Artes de Sao Paulo - BRAZIL
Centro Universitario Feevale - BRAZIL
Christopher Newport University
College of Creative Studies 
CMH Academy - FRANCE
College of Mount Saint Vincent
College of the Canyons
Columbus State University
Contra Costa Community College
Culinary Institute of Charleston
Curry College
Diablo Valley College
Dayeh University - TAIWAN
DePaul University
Dundee College - SCOTLAND
Eastern Illinois University
Eckerd College
Endicott College
Fairfield University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Fairmont State University
Farmingdale State University (SUNY)
Fashion Institute of Technology (SUNY)
Florida International University
Fundacao Armando Alvares Penteado - BRAZIL
Fundaciòn Universidad Empresarial Siglo 21 - ARGENTINA
Grandes Écoles Spécialisées - FRANCE
Grand Valley State University
Greenville Technical College
Guangdong Pharmaceutical University - CHINA
Guilin Tourism University - CHINA
Gyeongju University - SOUTH KOREA
Hampton University
Hanyang Cyber University – SOUTH KOREA
Hartwick College
Hsuan Chuang University (HCU) - TAIWAN
Hubei Institute of Fine Arts (HIFA) - CHINA
The Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (CANADA)
Indiana State University
Indiana University East
Istanbul Ayvansaray University - TURKEY
Instituto Culinario Danieli - MEXICO
Instituto Tecnologico Monterrey - MEXICO
Istituto Tecnologico Occidente - MEXICO
Jacksonville University / IEP
Jinwen University of Science and Technology - TAIWAN
Johnson County Community College
Johnson & Wales University
Kainan University - TAIWAN
Kai Ping Culinary School - TAIWAN
Karaganda Economic University - KAZAKISTAN
Kenai Peninsula College (UAA extension CAMPUS)
Keuka University
Kirkwood Community College
Kodiak College (UAA extension CAMPUS)
Kyungsung University - SOUTH KOREA
Lake Forest College
Lake Land College
Lander University
Lynn University
Marian University
Matanuska - Susitna College (UAA extension CAMPUS)
Marymount University
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Middlesex County College
Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Monroe Community College
National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism (NKUHT) – TAIWAN


New Jersey City University
New Mexico State University
New York City College of Technology
Northern Essex Community College
Northwestern College
Northwood University
Oglethorpe University
Okan University - TURKEY
Pace University
Paul Smith's College
Pierpont Community and Technical College
Point Park University
Politecnico Grancolombiano – COLOMBIA
Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais - BRAZIL
Prince William Sound Community College (UAA extension CAMPUS)
Purdue University Calumet
Purdue University West Lafayette
Queens College (CUNY)
Regis College
Robert Morris University
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Salem State University
San Josè State University
Seattle Pacific University
Seoul Mode Fashion College - SOUTH KOREA
Shih Chien University - TAIWAN
Silver Mountain School of Hotel Management - NEPAL
South Seattle Community College
Southwest Minnesota State University
St. Joseph's College
Stony Brook University (SUNY)
Suffolk Community College (SUNY)
Suffolk University
Susquehanna University
Tompkins Cortland Community College (SUNY)
Transylvania University
Trident Technical College
ULBRA Universidade Luterana Do Brasil - BRAZIL
Ulsan College - SOUTH KOREA
Universidad Anáhuac Mayab - MEXICO
Universidad Anáhuac Norte México - MEXICO
Universidad Anáhuac Querétaro - MEXICO
Universidad de Los Hemisferios (UDLH) - ECUADOR
Universidad de Cuenca (UDC) - ECUADOR
Universidad del Turabo - PUERTO RICO
Universidad Marista de Mérida
Universidad Panamericana - MEXICO
Universidade do Vale do Itajai - BRAZIL
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - BRAZIL
Universidad SAN Ignacio de Loyola - PERU
Universidad TecMilenio - MEXICO
Universidad Veiga de Almeida - BRAZIL
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Fairbanks
The University of Akron
The Culinary Arts International - PHILIPPINES
The University of Memphis
The Pennsylvania State University
The University of Tampa
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
University of Central Florida
University of Florida
University of Idaho
University of the Incarnate Word
University of Missouri (MIZZOU)
University of Northern Iowa
University of San Diego
University of South Florida*
University of Southern Maine
University of the Philippines Diliman - PHILIPPINES
Utica College
Valencia College
ViaModa Industrial University - POLAND
Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education
Virginia Wesleyan Unversity
Washington State University
Washtenaw Community College
Western Connecticut State University
Westfield State University
Woosong University - SOUTH KOREA

* School of Record for FUA. For students from non-affiliated institutions, US credit can be issued through FUA’s School of Record. Adhering to the guidelines of the Forum on Education Abroad, the University of South Florida (“USF”) serves as the School of Record for FUA. Located in Tampa, Sarasota, St. Petersburg and Lakeland, Florida, USF is a global research university that recognizes and promotes the benefits of international education, collaboration and engagement. USF offers 232 degree programs at the undergraduate, graduate, specialist and doctoral levels, including 89 bachelor, 97 master, two education specialist, 36 research doctoral, and four professional doctoral programs. USF is one of only three Florida public universities classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the advancement of teaching in the top tier of research activities. For questions regarding the School of Record relationship, please contact James Pulos, assistant Director of Education abroad at the University of South Florida.


The University of South Florida is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools' Commission on Colleges to award bachelor, master and doctoral degrees.FUA-AUF is not accredited by the Commission on Colleges and the accreditation of USF does not extend to or include FUA-AUF or its students. Although USF accepts certain course work in transfer toward a credential from FUA, or collaborates in other ways for generation of course credits or program credentials, other colleges and universities may or may not accept this work in transfer, even if it appears on a transcript from USF. This decision is made by the institution subsequently considering the possibility of accepting such credits.

Bridging Cultures: FUA’s Gateway to Authentic Italian Connections

At FUA, students immerse themselves in Florence, forging lasting connections and embracing Italian life beyond the classroom.   written by Charlotte Cicero for SPEL: Journalism...

Stolen Time, a New Showcase Opens at the Murate Art District

An exhibition consisting of works by Georges Adéagbo and William Demby is now on display at the Murate Art District.   written by Tyler Kirwan...

Ghost Stories on the Streets of Florence

Explore the mysteries and legends of Renaissance Florence with FUA's Crime and Mystery History Walks Course.

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