At FUA, students immerse themselves in Florence, forging lasting connections and embracing Italian life beyond the classroom. written by Charlotte Cicero for SPEL: Journalism...
Search Please select a year, a season and a session to visualize class scheduling, which includes class codes according to institutions and departments, days and times, section, and classroom.
You can select your courses for a sneak-peak of your schedule and start your enrolment process as an independent student or just ask for more informations.
Exact dates corresponding to sessions can be viewed in our academic calendar.
Academic Schedule
Courses can be filtered by Academic Year, Season, and Session to view class schedules.
For sessions that offer multiple locations, the “program location” filter allows classes to be viewed according to a specific location.
Courses per Session are listed by code, days/times, and section.
Session dates can be viewed in our academic calendar.
Please note: 1) Some classes may require an additional course fee. 2) Please check course details (i.e. course and public notes) for any mandatory activities such as field learning or faculty-supervised projects. If extenuating circumstances do not allow for an activity to run as originally scheduled, it will be held in a classroom or alternative format equivalent to the academic coursework requirement.
latest news
Stolen Time, a New Showcase Opens at the Murate Art District
An exhibition consisting of works by Georges Adéagbo and William Demby is now on display at the Murate Art District. written by Tyler Kirwan...
Ghost Stories on the Streets of Florence
Explore the mysteries and legends of Renaissance Florence with FUA's Crime and Mystery History Walks Course.