Special Programs

Group and faculty-led programs can be developed year-round for groups of all sizes and students of allages, drawing on elements from FUA locations, academic divisions, and community engagement projects. Program types include:

“Teaching Florentine Renaissance Art History anywhere else is not as rewarding. It is a dream come true to discuss Michelangelo’s sculptural techniques while peering up at his David, and turn around to see the excitement in my students’ eyes.”- Visiting professor


A program where a faculty member supervises the participants as an advisor or program leader but doesnot teach a faculty-led course on-site. The faculty represents their home institution and are responsibleexclusively for their own students. Students take at least one course with FUA. Participants may be eitherstudents of, or enrolled through, the faculty member's home institution.

Cooperative Faculty-Led

A program where a faculty member designs and participates in the program as an instructor. The facultyrepresents their home institution and teaches a course on-site exclusively to their own students. Studentstake one class with their accompanying faculty member(s) and one class with FUA.

Customize & Enrichment

Non-credit programs tailored for students or adult learners which can feature Italian food, wine andculture, fashion, Italian language, art and architecture, business, journalism, and science topics. Theseprograms can be tailored for adult professionals and students of all levels.

For further information on how programs can be developed and services offered, please download thespecial programs brochure.

“There is something magical about the light in Tuscany, its softness and warmth never cease to amaze me. Learning how to capture that light in photography has enabled me to take a part of Italy home with me”- Photography student

We can’t wait to meet you!

In order to schedule one of the above options, please write us your request
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